All Systems Go! | Health Eagle

All Systems Go!

by Lori Sciame September 17th, 2012 | Health Observance
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When scientists launch rockets into space, they make sure that all components of the complicated craft work properly.  To think about this process in simple terms, visualize a lengthy check list.  One by one, the controllers test each part, and when it works properly, only then can the mission proceed. Why do they do this?  Prevention of a catastrophe – either loss of life or loss of millions of dollars.

Think about your own body as a rocket ship destined to travel on a precarious mission, one that involves plenty of hazards to overcome.  Just like scientists maintain strict standards to keep expensive rockets (and the humans who work in them) safe, you need to prepare yourself for your life’s journey. You also want to prevent a catastrophe – a health catastrophe.

One way you can check your systems is by scheduling regular checkups with your family physician.  Unless you have been directed otherwise, yearly visits to a health care professional will suffice.  These system checks help to catch health conditions before they become serious.

For instance, a doctor may find that upon inspection of your largest organ – the skin – that there have been changes in a mole, which could signal skin cancer.  As you probably know, skin cancer, or melanoma, can kill; however, if your doctor catches it early enough, you have a great chance for a full recovery.

Appropriate medical tests also check to see if your systems continue to function at peak efficiency.  Simple screenings, such as high blood pressure checks, cholesterol checks, and bone density screenings can detect small problems before they seriously jeopardize your health.

Some medical tests are gender specific, such as the mammogram for women, and a cancer test for men called the PSA or prostate-specific antigen test. Know what is recommended for your sex, and have those tests when appropriate.

If you do not have insurance to cover the cost of health screenings such as the ones I mentioned above, you may wish to visit a local community health center or your local health department for more information.  In most areas, there is free or low cost testing for a variety of preventable health conditions.

In addition to visiting your health care professional and having health screenings, you also need to be aware that with age, special care of many systems may be required of you.  Just like an aging rocket ship, certain components may tend to “give out” over time.  Knees, hips, elbows…all may need to be monitored for repair or replacement.

If you are over 50 pay special attention to cues – aches and pains – to see if the problem can be fixed with therapy, medication, or as a last resort, surgery.

This month honors healthy aging.  One way you can stay healthy for many years to come is to vow to take care of your body’s systems.  Visit your doctor, take advantage of health screenings, and know that the aches and pains of aging may be able to be fixed!

Your goal – all systems go!


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