Anti-Aging Foods | Health Eagle

Anti-Aging Foods

by Abigail B. April 1st, 2007 | Aging
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Foods that stop oxidation and preserve brain function are Anti aging Foods that one needs. Heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s, fatigue, cataracts, vision, can be prevented or lessened with certain foods.

The antioxidant anthocyanin which is thought to be important for preserving brain function is found in blueberries, pomegranates ,and cranberries.

Consumption of vitamin E makes one less likely to develop Alzheimer’s . Wheat germ can be used as a topping and is loaded with vitamin E.

A diet rich in assorted fruits and vegetables also helps prevent the development of Alzheimer’s.

Fatigue and headaches may be attributed to iron deficiency. Meat, fish, and poultry contain the form of iron that’s the most easily absorbed in the body.

One can ward off stress and increase the amount of iron absorbed in a meal by eating kiwis, strawberries, oranges, and tangerines, Tangerines and other citrus fruits are also an important protector against cataracts.

Heart disease risk can be cut almost in half with folate and B6 which is currently found in fortified cereals.

Several large studies have shown a 30 to 50% lower risk of sudden cardiac death and cardiovascular disease associated with eating nuts several times a week.

Erratic heart rhythms and prevention of blood clots can be accomplished by eating salmon.

A high intake of monosaturated fats such as found in avocados lowers heart disease risk.

It’s true that carrots to protect ones night vision with its high amount of vitamin A

Macular degeneration may be delayed in those that consume a glass of red wine every day.

In conclusion vegetables, fruits and nuts have properties that stop oxidation and preserve brain function.

Throw in a good massage with a Thumper Massager or a Thumper Mini Pro Massager every once in a while and you can slow that aging process.

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