Dry Skin Care Tips | Health Eagle

Dry Skin Care Tips

by Gumer Liston March 24th, 2009 | Dermatology, Diet
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skinIf your skin feels taut after washing and shows signs of flakiness, you probably have dry skin. Some people suffer from dry skin all of their lives because they have smaller than normal pores that are almost invisible. Changes in geographical location and climate also can affect the condition of the skin, and the usual effect is drying. Change in lifestyle, stress, and aging are also factors that may contribute to drying of the skin.

Dry skin needs gentle cleansing, regular stimulation, and generous amount of oils and moisturizers to keep it looking its best. People with dry skin must avoid toners and skin fresheners that contain alcohol. Alcohol removes skin oils, our skin’s natural moisturizers. If the soap you are using leaves your skin feeling tight, stop using it and change to a mild and creamy cleanser, which is better for dry skin. It is also advisable to cleanse only in the evening and use only natural moisturizers. You can make your own natural moisturizer from homemade mayonnaise or avocado pulp. These are good examples of natural moisturizer that really help soften dry skin. Another option for a moisturizer is vitamin A-rich margarine. The vitamin in it and its natural oils and fats will help lock the moisture in you skin and keep it soft. P

When you take a shower, make it as quick as possible. Water dries the skin, so avoid taking more than two baths a day. Avoid antibacterial or deodorant soaps because they have ingredients that are harsh and contribute much to the drying of  the skin. Never rub your skin with the towel after bathing, just pat it dry. It is good to apply moisturizers while the skin is still damp.

You also should look into your diet. A good and balanced diet is the key to healthy skin. Foods that are rich in vitamin E are good for the skin, so be sure to include them in your diet.

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Comments 3 Responses to “Dry Skin Care Tips”
  1. Chelle says:

    I’ve found that regular old vaseline seems to work better for dry skin than most expensive moisturizers – I never would have thought of it if my kid’s doctor hadn’t told me to do that since they really have dry skin just about all the time. Hopefully it’ll start to get better as we head into summer!

  2. VonShred says:

    I guess diet is one of the surest ways to achieving healthy skin.

  3. charity says:

    i have tried vaseline but it made my skin feel so gross and dont it clog pores.how should i use it?

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