E Cigarettes vs. Regular Cigarettes | Health Eagle

E Cigarettes vs. Regular Cigarettes

by Dean Heller MD August 23rd, 2013 | Ask the Doctor
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cigaretteI have been smoking cigarettes for 35 years, and I have tried to quit a number of times previously.  I am thinking of switching to the E cigarettes, as they seem to be not quite as bad for you, and I am hoping to quit after that.  Are they less harmful than regular cigarettes?

This new type of nicotine product referred to as E cigarettes, or electronic cigarettes, or sometimes vapor cigarettes is becoming more popular.  Unfortunately, they have not been studied well at all by the medical community.  Although they do not have some of the preservatives and tar products that are harmful from regular cigarettes, we just don’t know what the long term effects of these products are.  In addition, although there is some anecdotal stories that you hear about people using E cigarettes to help them stop smoking, there are no studies that confirm this.  So the bottom line is that we just don’t know if they are less harmful, nor do we know that they will help you stop smoking.

To learn more about E Cigarettes, watch this video from VideoMD.com on the topic.

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Comments One Response to “E Cigarettes vs. Regular Cigarettes”
  1. Mary Ann says:

    I was in the emergency room recently. I am reading my Hospital Report, I have 2 questions. Could you explain – Mild bilateral periventricular hypodensities, and mild calcifications of the carotid siphons bilaterally. I have looked these up in the Net and they aren’t really specific.

    Mary Ann

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