Exercise = Breast Cancer Prevention | Health Eagle

Exercise = Breast Cancer Prevention

by Lori Sciame October 1st, 2012 | Health Observance
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I take breast cancer personally. It killed my grandmother, two of my aunts, my mom, and it has already struck my younger cousin twice.  Having that many relatives who  have suffered from this type of cancer, I have learned not only how to detect breast cancer early through regular mammograms, but also to recognize the importance of prevention through diet.  I also embrace exercise.

Although scientists aren’t 100% sure why cancer loves fat cells (there is probably a hormone link), they do know that obese women suffer from breast cancer more than women who maintain a thin frame.  In my case, where breast cancer seems to be hereditary,  I often wonder if exercising will work, but even if working out reduces my risk a small percentage, it still warrants my attention.

An ABC News article by Dr. Anne McTiernan, reported that “nearly 30 studies have shown that women who exercise at moderate to vigorous levels for three or more hours per week reduce their risk of getting breast cancer by 30 percent to 40 percent. That’s about as much reduction in risk as provided by the drug tamoxifen, but without the side effects.”  Those dramatic percentages should convince any woman to begin exercising if she hasn’t already done so.

As a health educator, I do strive to incorporate exercise into my life.  If you wonder if you can do the same, think in terms of small increments at first.  You don’t need to be a marathon runner to obtain benefits from exercise.  You can work exercise into your daily routine instead.

Here are a few tips to do so:

1.  Walk – Walking remains one of the simplest ways to exercise.  Instead of driving your car a block to the store to buy milk, walk.  When you do drive somewhere, choose a parking space some distance from the front door. Finally, if you work in an office setting, walk during one or both of your 15 minute breaks.

2.  Dance – A fun way to exercise?  Shake your groove thing!  OK, I couldn’t resist a reference to a song from my youth, but you understand the concept, right?  Dancing helps to burn calories while not seeming like exercise.  If you haven’t danced in a while, put The Twist on your stereo or iPod, and see how tired you feel at the end of the song.

3.  Bike – Another way to begin exercising more involves getting back on two wheels.  It doesn’t matter if you haven’t ridden a bike in 25 years.  You will remember how to do it.  Start slowly, and think about safety of course, and soon you will be tackling hills with ease, all the while burning unwanted calories.

Dr. McTiernan further explains why exercise is so important when she states, “exercise reduces levels of estrogen, testosterone, insulin, and growth factors, all of which may either cause breast cancer or prompt it to grow faster and larger.”

I hope you believe in the power of prevention.  If you do, consult your doctor to begin an exercise program that just may save your life.


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