Exercise Builds Relationships | Health Eagle

Exercise Builds Relationships

by Lori Sciame September 11th, 2013 | Health Observance, Relationships
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HE_RelationshipsThis month’s health observance, fall into fitness, provides the perfect opportunity to discuss the connection between exercise and relationships. Not only does being fit give a person the energy to help sustain a healthy relationship with a significant other, it offers a chance for connections that might not otherwise happen.  It may be the time of year when many think limiting physical activity; however, do the opposite.  Get out and exercise with an old friend or a new one.  In the process, you will be strengthened both physically and mentally.

The Importance of Friendships

The great philosopher, Aristotle, proclaimed that friends offer refuge from the trials and tribulations of life.  For instance, if a woman works for a company where she has no friends, she will be more apt to quit. Basically, it matters if one has friends. It also helps if those friends are good role models.  When seeking to begin an exercise regimen, friends can be the key to success.

Finding Friends Interested in Health Issues

Consider this quote by Tennessee Williams, “Life is partly what we make it, and partly what is made by the friends we choose.” For instance, if you have a group of friends who all eat and drink too much, you will most likely have a poor diet as well.  One tactic is to tell your friends about your intentions to begin exercising.  You may be surprised that one or two of your buddies want to do the same thing.

You can also seek out new connections with those who wish to improve their health status.  Look for potential exercise partners at work, at church, in the neighborhood, or even in your apartment building.

When I worked in the health field, finding others who wanted to exercise on breaks or at lunch was easy.  Now that I’ve switched careers to teaching at a local community college, meeting people who like physical activity as much as I do proved difficult, but it wasn’t impossible. I now have key to the workout room in the college gym, as well as a host of new exercise buddies.

Suggestions for Fun Fall Exercise

Once you and a friend decide to take the plunge and fall into fitness, you can try fun ways to exercise.  Going on hikes in the woods offers both beautiful colors and memorable scents during the autumn.  It’s not too hot, and the brush is less dense.  Other exercise options in the fall is taking in a corn maze, or walking the entire length of an apple orchard while picking the best apples.

If these “themed” jaunts don’t sound appealing, you still have plenty of time to take up jogging or even weight lifting at a local gym. And remember, having a steady appointment to meet your friend will only increase your chances of success.

Fall Into Fitness

Everyone understands that exercise helps to keep one fit, trim, and healthy.  Add friends and relationship building into the mix, and you are almost guaranteed to become a healthier you by the beginning of winter.


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