Exercise: Good for Type 2 Diabetes | Health Eagle

Exercise: Good for Type 2 Diabetes

by Lori Sciame October 27th, 2023 | Health Observance
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I’m not going to stop.  I’m never going to quit bugging readers to get off the chair or couch and to start moving.  The reason is simple – exercise improves health in many different ways.  This holds true for people who suffer from type 2 diabetes.  A University of Calgary and University of Ottawa joint study shows that working out in specific ways can help manage this chronic illness.

As outlined in Time Health and Family this university study showed, “…the combination of aerobic exercise and weight training is significantly better for controlling blood sugar than either alone.”

This is interesting news, as weight training has long been a type of exercise shunned by women.  Many fear becoming too bulky; however, this fact remains untrue.  What is true is that weight training should instead be embraced by both sexes. This is especially important for type 2 diabetes sufferers who wish to control their blood sugar levels.

Basically, the study found that participants who participated did both types of exercise lowered their blood sugar levels more than participants who only did one type of exercise. And there were other health benefits as well, such as a lower risk of heart attack.

But before you jump on board with these two types of exercise, keep the following in mind. A person who begins an exercise program, especially those who suffer from type 2 diabetes, needs to be closely monitored by his or her doctor when it comes to increasing activity levels.  That means, discuss new exercise goals with a doctor before beginning an exercise program in earnest.

And – here’s a warning for insulin dependent or type 1 diabetes patients. Do not begin any exercise program without the guidance of a doctor. As with any lifestyle change, a health professional must keep a close watch on this type of diabetes sufferer.  Remember, if any weight loss (or gain) occurs in a person who requires daily medication, a reassessment of dosages needs to be completed. This can be a matter of life and death.

Once approval has been given, and rules established by a health professional, a person can commence an exercise program. The Time article suggests what to include in this beneficial regimen. They state,  “aerobic workouts (such as walking, swimming, biking), with weight training (with weights or bands)” are best.  The also recommend stretching to improve flexibility and to reduce injuries. I suggest starting slowly, then working up gradually to more intense activity.

Thank goodness researchers continue to look for ways to improve the lives of chronic disease sufferers.  This study outlines just one more way that type 2 diabetes sufferers can manage their life-changing illness. Other ways to improve the lives of diabetes sufferers as well.

For up-to-date information on diabetes, consult the American Diabetes Association website. It has tons of tips in an interesting and easy to read format.

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