Get Moving, Ladies! | Health Eagle

Get Moving, Ladies!

by Lori Sciame January 30th, 2012 | Health News
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What is the number one killer of women in the United States? It’s not car accidents, breast cancer, or diabetes – it’s heart disease. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that “Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women; half of the deaths due to heart disease in 2006 were women.”

If that statistic doesn’t alarm my female readers, this additional one from the CDC will: “almost two-thirds of the women who die suddenly of coronary heart disease have no previous symptoms. Even if you have no symptoms, you may still be at risk for heart disease.” What this means is that YOU could be at risk and not even know it.

Because heart disease kills so many American women (and men), the American Heart Association (AHA) has named February Heart Health Month.  During this important time, the AHA and cooperating agencies and businesses promote heart health awareness; therefore, this is the perfect time to make sure your heart is as healthy as it can be.

Where do you start?  The good thing is that it’s pretty easy to improve your heart health. First, make sure that you have your blood pressure checked regularly.  This is because many people who have high blood pressure may experience no symptoms. If you find out you have high blood pressure, your doctor will teach you how to manage it. You should also make sure you know what your cholesterol level is.  If it’s too high, you need to change your diet in an effort to reduce the number.  Also, if you smoke – QUIT!  There are many over the counter medications available to help you kick the habit. If you have diabetes, make sure that you follow your doctor’s orders for controlling it.  Finally, get your body moving!

Sometimes it is easy to forget that your heart is a muscle that needs to be exercised.  Most health agencies recommend that a woman needs to exercise for 30 minutes each day.  The neat thing is that you don’t have to exercise in 30 minute blocks; you can exercise for 10 minutes at a time.  You’ve heard the drill before, but have you really tried to implement more movement into your life?

If you haven’t exercised in a long time, try either of these suggestions:

1.  Walk with a friend.

Exercising is so much easier when you do it with a friend.  Take a walk while at work, or schedule time to walk in a park or even a mall.  Walking is easy to do, it doesn’t cost anything, and it’s one of the best exercises for heart health.

2.  Embrace the stairs.

Sometimes we avoid the stairs because we feel too tired; however, climbing stairs is one of the best exercises for hearts.  If you work in an office building, start by getting off the elevator one floor below where you work.

This February, give yourself a valentine…a healthy heart, one that will last you for many years to come.

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