Get Rid of Common Cold Misconceptions | Health Eagle

Get Rid of Common Cold Misconceptions

by Rosanne Lorraine September 9th, 2008 | Children's Health
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The cold is known to be the most common infectious condition in America. It accounts for the majority of absences both in school and at the workplace. You might be thinking, “It’s just the cold, why would anyone skip school or work?” Well, if you’re still thinking this, then you probably haven’t experienced the worst effects of having a cold. Some people experience a variety of problems because of their colds, including migraines and fevers.

There is a common misconception that colds can be treated with antibiotics. Although this belief makes sense, it is not accurate. Colds are caused by viruses and not by bacteria, so it should not be treated with any antibacterial medication or topical treatments.

As a method of prevention, you need to take care not to hold hands or shake hands with people suffering from colds because you easily can catch the disease if you unconsciously hold your mouth or nose. Remember to wash your hands because the chances of getting colds increases as a person’s immune system become weak.

It has been estimated that children under two years old will get this disease 10-12 times every year. Older children get an average of 6 colds while people over 30 will experience colds only about 3 times a year. As the immune system becomes stronger, so does the ability for the body to fight viruses.

Probably the best thing you can do once you get the cold is to drink plenty of water, rest, and take Vitamin C. These factors will contribute to making your body strong enough to fight off the cold virus. Becoming physically active also will help you avoid getting this condition in the future as well.

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Comments 2 Responses to “Get Rid of Common Cold Misconceptions”
  1. I have recently found out that taking Vitamin C while you have a cold will help to alleviate the symptoms but taking it in advance of getting a cold will not prevent you from catching one.

  2. Lucy Jones says:

    Common colds are a pain and are a major cause of absence from jobs over here in Europe too. Vitamin C does help I’ve found if taken consistently – but if you have children in kindergarten or school – it’s an endless battle of runny noses.

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