Home Healthy- The Rise of Eco-Friendly Household Products | Health Eagle

Home Healthy- The Rise of Eco-Friendly Household Products

by Editorial Team December 19th, 2016 | Health News
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Keeping a clean home is one of the ways you take care of your family’s health, but if you choose the wrong products, you could be creating indoor health hazards and damaging the environment every time you clean. According to the Environmental Working Group, three out of four household cleaning products have negative effects on human respiratory health. In addition to respiratory issues, some cleaning products can cause other serious problems like fertility issues, birth defects, and cancer, as well as being harmful for the environment.

Finding healthy and eco-friendly alternatives keeps getting easier as more people become aware of the issues and demand gentle, biodegradable alternatives that are safe for their families and for the planet. In 2015, more than half of all consumers were willing to spend more for sustainable products, and the infographic below shows that millennials are even more committed to the environment, with three out of four young adults saying they would spend more for green goods. The U.S. market for specialty cleaning products is expected to increase by 66 percent by 2018, and the demand for healthier cleaning products is up worldwide by 40 percent.

Amway, an industry leader in healthy living and safe cleaning products, has produced this infographic that highlights the new demand for greener and healthier cleaning products. The graphic spells out the health risks from cleaning chemicals and the growth in demand for safe and healthy alternatives, along with providing simple tips for making high-impact changes in your cleaning habits. Check it out and see if your family is on top of this important trend.

Brought to you by our friends at amwayconnections.com.


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