Infertility and STD’s | Health Eagle

Infertility and STD’s

by Dean Heller MD April 5th, 2013 | Ask the Doctor
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babyI am a 30 year old woman, and my husband (of two years) and I have been trying to get pregnant for the past year without success. There was a period in my life when I was a little wild, and I did have a few STD’s. I have not told my husband that, as it was way before I met him, but I am worried that could be causing some of the problem. If that the case, should I tell my husband?

You do have a valid concern. There is a direct link between a history of STD’s or sexually transmitted diseases, and infertility. The problem occurs because the infections can cause inflammation and scarring of the fallopian tubes, which is what the egg must travel through to connect with the man’s sperm for pregnancy to occur. It does not occur in everyone who has an STD, so you should voice your concern to your OB/GYN doctor, and he or she can do some studies to see if you have an issue with fertility. Before discussing anything with your husband, it would be reasonable to first be checked by your doctor. There are many good options, and even if you have a complication from STD’s, there is a good chance you will be able to have a baby.

To learn more, watch this video from VideoMD.com.


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