Medication and Type 2 Diabetes | Health Eagle

Medication and Type 2 Diabetes

by Jessica B. November 22nd, 2012 | Health Observance
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Diabetes Awareness Month is the time to take a look at the many options available for people dealing with Type 2 Diabetes. The most important thing is to consult with your doctor regarding which diabetes medication is the best option for your given situation. Different diabetes patients have different needs, so make sure to discuss your concerns with your doctor.

1) Diet – Before turning to medication, many patients may be advised to gain control over their diabetes by making changes in diet. You can work with a nutritionist/diabetes coach to find the best way of keeping your blood sugars steady and down. If you are able to control your blood sugars and keep your diabetes in check through diet and exercise alone, this is by far the best option. But if you find you are struggling, it is better to begin treatments of drugs and combine with diet so that you don’t cause long-term damage to our body.

2) Newer drugs – There are many new drugs on the market, such as Onglyza and Starlix. These medications are more expensive, and their benefits are not 100% proven. Many medical professionals recommend sticking with the older, proven brands of medications. There are mixed reports as to whether or not there are fewer side effects with the newer drugs. Talk to your doctor about whether or not the additional cost of newer medications is worthwhile for your situation.

3) Metformin – One of the older generic drugs, metformin, is much less expensive, and it can help keep your blood sugar under control without needing insulin. Many drugs can cause side effects like hypoglycemia, weight gain, and nausea. Make sure you monitor yourself constantly, and make sure you are not suffering from some of the more serious side effects. Metformin is not ideal if you have kidney or heart problems, so there may be reason to look into other options.

4) Combination – In some cases your doctor may advise you to take a mixture of medications to get your blood sugar under control. Make sure your doctor is aware of all of the medications you are currently taking and any side effects you may have.

5) Insulin – If you have trouble regulating your blood sugars, it might be time for you to regulate with insulin. You will need to work with your doctor and diabetes coach to get into synch with your body and the insulin it needs.

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