Men Need to Monitor Health | Health Eagle

Men Need to Monitor Health

by Jessica B. June 21st, 2024 | Health Observance
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If you are an average American man, chances are you only see a health care professional when you are ill or concerned about symptoms, but for many, it is too late. Well visits are an important part of your overall health.

This month is Men’s Health Month, and well visits are an important part of maintaining health, particularly for middle-aged men.

It may be difficult to find the time, working full time, and with a family, to squeeze in a doctor’s appointment. But getting early diagnoses of common ailments like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, cardiovascular illness, prostate issues, thyroid problems and other common ailments, can mean better long term prognosis and a more comfortable day to day life.

Make an annual appointment with a doctor. Find a general practitioner that you feel comfortable with (yes, you can interview them!), and make sure you visit them every year. Book your appointment around your birthday, so you always remember that it has been a year.

Follow up on ongoing issues: Keep track of all of your numbers, and make sure to ask your doctor what they mean for the long term. Is your cholesterol improving? Is it rising? Is your blood pressure affected by any weight changes?

Get recommended tests: No one is particularly excited to go for a colonoscopy, but if your doctor recommends that it is time to start testing, don’t put it off, just get it over with!

See your dentist regularly: Dental health is also a good indicator of your overall health. Make sure to see your dentist twice annually unless otherwise advised. Also make sure that you follow up on any tooth pain immediately, before any infections become too serious.

Take your vitamins: Most men do not meet the daily Vitamin D requirement and many also lack calcium. Make sure you take a multivitamin daily with your breakfast.

Don’t forget your meds: A majority of men have at least one prescription medication they should take daily by the time the reach their 60’s. Make sure you are taking your prescription according to plan. Clearly label your pills, and download a smartphone app so that you remember when and where you last took your meds.

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