Nail Care Tips | Health Eagle

Nail Care Tips

by Gumer Liston April 14th, 2009 | Dermatology
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picYour nails are not just there as ornament for your fingers, they are more than that. Your nails not only help protect your fingers but also enhance their sensitivity by acting as a counter force when the end of your fingers touch something. Without your nails, your touch would not be as good and as accurate as it is.

Though your nails are made of tough protein called keratin, it is still important to take care of them because they can be damaged, they can dry out and die, and they can be infected with fungi. Here are some nail care tips that you can follow to help keep your nails healthy:

  1. Water and detergent can dry your nails; be sure to apply a moisturizer on your hands, fingers, and nails after doing the dishes or washing clothes.
  2. Never cut your cuticles. This can damage the root of your nail that can lead to its death.
  3. If your nails are prone to drying, try using baby oil after applying polish.
  4. Constant exposure to moisture can lead to Paronychia, an inflammation of the nail folds, so avoid having your hands exposed for long to water and moisture.
  5. File nails only when the white part of the tip of the nail has grown about a quarter of an inch from the pink part of the nail. Never use cheap nail files, those that you can find in packs of 10 at the drugstore,  these are usually too rough for your nails and could break them.
  6. Eat good food. Foods rich in calcium will help the health of your nails and make them strong.
  7. Avoid exposing your fingernails to strong chemical substances. Nail polishes, hardeners, and even nail cleansers are also chemical substances that may damage your nails. Do not just use any nail polish, hardener, or cleanser, be sure that they are made of mild chemicals that can not damage your nails.
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Comments 3 Responses to “Nail Care Tips”
  1. ish says:

    very informative, thanks for sharing

  2. Viveca from FatigueBeGone says:

    I have two kinds of fingernails. Fingernails that break without Vitamin B and fingernails that are strong with Vitamin B. It is really is amazing what a difference that supplement makes on my nails!

    My grandmother always said that Vitamin B saved her life. Guess it runs in the family!


  3. Jean says:

    I use rubber gloves when cleaning, I also use lotion on my hands, I also use non-acetone polish remover. I drink water, eat yogurt and drink milk daily. I also take a hair & nail vitamin along with vitamin B and biotin but my nails split and break off sometime almost into the quick. They also have several vertial splits that will split all the way to the quick. If they get a little length to them at all (my pinkies) if I hit them then them will break into the quick and bleed. I just need to know what to do for them. If you can help me, please let me know. Thank you

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