Natural Allergy Relief | Health Eagle

Natural Allergy Relief

by Erin Steiner April 24th, 2008 | Diseases
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While most of us are starting to long for the warm breezes and blooming flowers of spring, the allergy sufferers among us are doing silent cheers of relief. The longer it takes for spring to take hold, the less they have to worry about their springtime allergies. Sooner or later, spring will arrive in full force as will your allergies. If the cost of Claritin has gotten you down, you might want to consider some of these home remedies:ragweed

1. Drink tea! Green tea and chamomile tea both contain natural antihistamines. A couple of cups of either kind of tea are a great way to keep breathing easy. If you are allergic to ragweed, stay away from the chamomile tea or your allergy symptoms could get worse. Peppermint tea helps to relieve congestion, coughs, and sinus issues.

2. Up your garlic intake. Garlic helps to stimulate your immune system, and it can also act as a decongestant. Many people use it as a cough remedy. The easiest way to eat more garlic is to use more of it when you cook. Fresh garlic is the most effective, but can be harder on the taste buds.

3. Oatmeal is a great remedy for hives. If you find yourself breaking out, boil a cup of water and pour it over a single tablespoon of oatmeal. After steeping the oatmeal for thirty minutes strain it and then use a cotton ball to rub the liquid onto your skin. This is also a great way to relieve the stinging and itching that comes from bug bites. One of the best things about this remedy is that you can keep it in your refrigerator for a few days and add it to your bathwater to moisten your skin.

There are plenty of other allergy home remedies from which to choose, but these are the most popular.

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