Over the Counter Pain Relievers | Health Eagle

Over the Counter Pain Relievers

by Jessica B. October 23rd, 2012 | Medication
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There are many different types of over the counter pain relievers, so it can be tricky to choose which one is best for you. These pills are most commonly taken to relieve headaches, cold symptoms, and other aches and pains that pop-up along during the day. Here are some tips for choosing which pain reliever may be best for you.

Acetaminophen: This should be your go-to pain reliever if you are a woman of childbearing age trying to conceive a family. Other NSAID’s are not recommended during pregnancy, so if you are trying to get pregnant, you might stick to acetaminophen. Acetaminophen is a good fever reducer and pain reliever, but it does not reduce inflammation, so it should not be taken to combat swelling. You can take acetaminophen for longer periods of time if need be for chronic pain. Acetaminophen can be damaging to your liver, so you should not take more than the recommended dosage.

Ibuprofen: This is an NSAID that can be taken to reduce fever, pain, and inflammation. You should not take ibuprofen for an extended amount of time without consulting a doctor; recent reports show taking ibuprofen too often can lead to hearing loss. It can also be tough on sensitive stomachs.

Naproxen: Like ibuprofen, naproxen can help with swelling and inflammation, and it can also help with aches and pains. Naproxen lasts longer, meaning you do not have to take as many doses. Many report having greater success with naproxen to treat inflammation than other NSAIDs, so if you are not having luck with aspirin or ibuprofen you might try naproxen.

Aspirin: It may be old fashioned, but aspirin offers many benefits, including protecting from heart disease, while lowering fevers and reducing inflammation. You can take aspirin for longer periods of time, but it can damage your stomach.

Many of these different over the counter pills cannot be mixed with alcohol or other medications, so make sure you speak with the pharmacist when you purchase them even if they are over the counter. Also, if you are suffering from any forms of chronic disease, make sure these medications will not aggravate your condition.

Many doctors prescribe stronger pain relievers in cases of pain or discomfort. While it is great that there are options for chronic sufferers and those in severe pain, it is a good idea to try over the counter medications before you move to something that could be overkill for regular aches and pains.

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