Protecting Children From Frostbite | Health Eagle

Protecting Children From Frostbite

by Dean Heller MD January 3rd, 2014 | Ask the Doctor
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Ask the Doctor 3Q: I just moved to Vermont from Miami and I,myself, am having trouble getting used to this cold winter, so I have been staying inside a lot.  My concern is with my 3 kids; they are loving the snow.  On the days they have school, I don’t worry too much as I know they are inside for most of the day. But, it looks like we may have more snow days coming up, so they will be home while I am at work, so I worry about them staying out all day.

What should I have them look for to see if they have frostbite?  Being from Miami, I don’t know anything about it.

A:  The most important thing is to layer their clothes and make sure they are covered on the most sensitive areas for temperature damage – the hands and feet.  You, of course, have to make them wear a hat and cover their face, but the hands and feet are most sensitive to cold temperatures.  Make sure that they wear gloves, and good waterproof shoes and warm socks.  If they develop any numbness of tingling, they should immediately go inside.  If this happens put their hands in warm (not too hot) water, and don’t rub the hands.  If the symptoms persist, seek medical attention.

You can learn more about frostbite safety by watching  this video on VideoMD.com.

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