September: National Healthy Aging Month! | Health Eagle

September: National Healthy Aging Month!

by Kimberly Hays September 11th, 2012 | Health Observance
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This September marks the 15th annual celebration of National Healthy Aging Month. It brings to the forefront that all adults 50 and over need to remember to take responsibility in protecting their health, and also keep in mind the positive facets of growing older. Proper screenings are an integral part of staying healthy.

Colonoscopy – It is recommended that everyone over the age of 50 get a colonoscopy every three years. This test can detect early cancers, and although it may sound like a terrible ordeal, the patient is sedated and often does not remember the procedure. Scientific evidence shows that having this procedure can reduce the chance of colon cancer by 40 percent. If detected during the colonoscopy, most often it can be removed during the procedure.

Bone Mineral Density Scan – Starting at menopause for women, and at age 50 for men, this test is done to measure bone density to be sure you are not suffering from bone loss. It is an easy test where the individual lays down and a machine passes over the body. It literally takes seconds. If it is found that there is bone loss, it can be treated to stop the bone deterioration, and even reverse the bone loss.

Depression Screening – One of the most common and treatable issues adults face is depression. It is recommended that all adults 50 and over discuss this issue with their primary physician, who is trained to recognize these issues, and can help alleviate the problem. Sometimes depression is associated with aging, or it may be related to other health issues.

Heart Disease Testing – Everyone should keep an eye on their blood pressure. At age 50 it is recommended that everyone has their blood pressure taken every two years, that is, unless they have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, and are being treated by their doctor. Everyone also needs to have their cholesterol tested in order to get that under control to stave off heart disease due to clogged arteries.

Mammogram – Guidelines state that all women 50 and over should have a mammogram every two years, unless it is suggested by their doctor to have one more often due to family history. The key to winning over breast cancer is early detection. Remember to do your monthly self-exams as well.

Prostate Screening – This test, referred to as a PSA, is the key to early diagnosis. This is very important due to the fact that about one in three of all men will be diagnosed with cancer in the prostate gland after the age of 50. This cancer can be present without any symptoms, so it is imperative to get this screening.

Aside from these screenings, having an active lifestyle, and eating a healthy diet, keeping a positive mental attitude will ensure your good health as you age.

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