Stomach Bugs Getting More Serious | Health Eagle

Stomach Bugs Getting More Serious

by Jessica B. March 27th, 2012 | Health News
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In a report issued by the Centers for Disease Control last week, stomach bugs are on the rise, and they are packing a punch. According to the report, deaths almost doubled from 1999 to 2007, and a large percentage of the deaths were among the elderly.

Who is at risk?

The study showed that elderly people who lived in nursing homes were the highest risk, particularly after they took a course of antibiotics.  In fact, taking antibiotics prior to infection was a common factor even if the patient did not reside in a nursing home.

Because antibiotics kill bacteria indiscriminately, this might be the result of the drugs killing off the good bacteria, which keep a natural balance in the body.  It is always a good idea, when taking a prescribed antibiotic, to take a probiotic supplement. These can help to maintain the natural flora of the digestive system.

What is the problem?

The leading cause of these serious outbreaks is Closteridium difficile. While this bug has been around for a long time, scientists find it is becoming more resistant to treatment.

The other common cause of serious stomach bugs is Norovirus. This bug is well known for causing outbreaks on cruise ships, but lately it is turning up pretty much everywhere. Although it is spread in fecal matter, Norovirus lives a long time and can be spread on surfaces between people who have never met. Norovirus, also known as winter vomiting disease, is usually a quick stomach bug that passes after a few uncomfortable hours. But for those with an already low immune system, or those who cannot cope with the dehydration, there can be serious consequences and in some cases even death. Norovirus not only strikes the elderly, but also can take its toll on children under five.

What can be done?

The main long term pre-emptive work needs to be done by establishments and not necessarily by individuals. Cleanliness is a huge factor in preventing the spread of stomach bugs, but to get rid of Norovirus you need bleach and other strong cleaners. Hospitals, schools, and nursing homes need to use strong products regularly to control these spores from spreading.

Limit antibiotics prescriptions (though be sure to look for a Discount on Prescription when needed) to only the most necessary cases. Many western countries are currently working to significantly lower the amount of antibiotics they prescribe, and it isn’t because socialized medicine doesn’t want to pay for it, it is because they want to limit the amount of antibiotics in the environment to stop harsher strains of viruses. The US is the greatest prescriber of antibiotics in the world, and this contributes to the development of harsher and more resistant strains of illnesses.

Prepare your own food. While many of people who suffer the worst from these infections don’t get to choose their food options, as they live in a nursing home or are small children, but if you do have the option, make sure you wash your hands carefully before cooking. Wash everything and keep surfaces clean. Take standard precautions in the kitchen.

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