Sunburns: Relieve the Pain, Naturally | Health Eagle

Sunburns: Relieve the Pain, Naturally

by Lisa Stauber July 30th, 2008 | Dermatology
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Summer fun can come at a high price – sunburns.

If you do get burned, there are a few ways you can find relief at home. If you have second degree burns with blisters or your burns cover a large area of your body, check with your doctor.

Otherwise, try these easy comfort methods while your skin heals.

  1. Stay out of the sun and away from heat. If you go out, cover up with clothing. Avoid hot showers, as it will only increase the pain of tender, burned skin.
  2. Drink water. Damaged skin does not retain water as well as healthy skin, and a well hydrated body is able to repair itself faster.
  3. Aloe is a proven remedy. If you have an aloe plant, simply snap off a leaf and squeeze out the juicy gel. Otherwise, you can buy bottles of aloe vera gel at the store. Keep it in the fridge for a chilly cure. Be careful, though. Many store versions contain artificial food dyes, such as Blue Lake or Yellow #5, which can irritate the skin further.
  4. Milk. Milk baths are standard beauty treatments, but they also can soothe a burn. Soak a washcloth in milk and apply to the burned area for 20 minutes. Rinse and repeat as necessary. Plain yogurt also will soothe the pain and promote healing.
  5. Take a bath. Soaking in a cool tub of water will draw out the heat. Add baking soda or oatmeal, natural skin soothers, for extra relief.

You can expect a sunburn to last 1-3 days, and often the damaged skin will peel and slough off.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so prevent future burns by slipping on a shirt, slapping on a hat, and slopping on sunblock.

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