Supplements and Heart Health | Health Eagle

Supplements and Heart Health

by Kimberly Hays September 6th, 2012 | Heart Health
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Everyone should include measures to ward off heart disease. Along with diet and exercise, supplements can be very effective in maintaining a strong, healthy heart. Most can be taken without any side effects, but it is always best to speak with your doctor before starting any new regimen, especially if you are taking prescription medications.

Garlic – Aside from using garlic in cooking, taking garlic oil will keep your blood vessels supple, avoiding hardening of the arteries. It also helps in lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. The recommended daily dose is 600-1200 mg. per day.

Fish Oil – Fish oil provides Omega 3 fatty acids that reduce inflammation, reduce artery clogging, and reduce your chances of a first heart attack. It has also been proven to help deter a second heart attack in those who have already suffered one. Krill oil has been recognized to have the highest amount of Omega 3 fatty acids of all fish oils. The recommended daily dose is 1000-3000 mg. per day.

Resveratrol – In recent years, doctors have recommended red wine and grape juice because of the high concentration of resveratrol. Resveratrol extends life by protecting the heart from aging. Recommended dosage is 400 mg. per day.

B Vitamins – B6, B12, along with folic acid are effective in staving off hardening of the arteries. Another B vitamin, niacin, has proven to lower cholesterol and is often prescribed by doctors to their patients who are on statins. Dosage is 500 mg. per day.

Phytosterols – These are made of plant compounds the will help in lowering high cholesterol by allowing it to be absorbed through the intestines. Aside from being available as a supplement, it can also be found in foods, such as vegetable spreads. 300 mg. per day is suggested, taken with meals.

Red Yeast Rice – Red yeast rice works like a statin, which will lower high cholesterol levels. It is best to speak with your doctor about this if you are already on a statin or other heart medication. The recommended daily dose is 1200 mg.

These supplements are good for anyone who wants to take extra measures to protect their heart. Many of these vitamins and nutrients are obtained through a healthy diet, but these supplements will help you to be certain that you are getting enough to get the full protection that they offer.

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