Tips for a Life that is Healthy and Free of Cancer | Health Eagle

Tips for a Life that is Healthy and Free of Cancer

by Patti March 1st, 2010 | Cancer, Diet
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Living the healthiest life you possibly can and doing everything to remain cancer-free is all about taking care of yourself. Whether you develop cancer is not completely within your control, but you can do your part to ensure that you are healthy on the inside and the outside.

As many as one in three North Americans will develop one form of cancer or another in their lives. What many people are unaware of is that cancer can be prevented in many instances by living a healthy lifestyle. It has been estimated that 75 percent of the deaths that are cancer related could have been prevented. Here we offer some preventative measures for you.

Topping the list is smoking. If you smoke, quit, and if you don’t smoke, do not start! Besides lung cancer, smoking has been linked to other types of cancer, such as throat cancer and stomach cancer. In fact, avoid all types of tobacco and steer clear of second-hand smoke at every opportunity.

Engage in as much physical activity as you possibly can. Exercise alone, with a partner, or in a group. Exercise strengthens the body and also helps to keep extra pounds at bay. All of these things taken together lower your chances of developing cancer.

Eat as healthily as possible. Consume vegetables of all different colors. Choose foods that are abundant in their vitamin, mineral and antioxidant content. Include plenty of leafy green vegetables in your daily diet, such as broccoli, kale, bok choy and spinach. Eat whole grains, low fat dairy products, seafood and berries often. Reduce your consumption of saturated fats and trans fats, as well as fried and greasy foods.

Instead of brewing a cup of java in the morning or regular tea, drink green tea. Green tea is rich in ingredients that help to fight cancer, and it is also plentiful in terms of its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. But don’t just drink it in the morning, any time of the day that you want a warm liquid treat, make yourself some green tea!

Get seven to eight hours sleep every night. Sleep often is not recognized as an important aspect of being healthy (and staying healthy), but it is significant. Sleep provides the body with the time it needs to rest and heal.

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