Tips for Healthy Eating on Vacation | Health Eagle

Tips for Healthy Eating on Vacation

by Louise January 10th, 2013 | Diet
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tunaVacation has a different meaning for various people, but for many, especially regarding dietary concerns, it means something like, “time to splurge!” Whether that splurge be eating extra indulgent foods, booking a five-star hotel, or utilizing a fractional ownership jet, it is a fun part of vacation. If a family is staying in a familiar place, vacation seems like the perfect time to treat yourself to all of your favorite dishes, simply because, “it’s vacation!” Conversely, if a family travels to an exotic location, they may feel obligated to try all of the popular local foods (and for some reason, those foods are rarely the healthiest option around). Are we to say no to waffles in Brussels or crepes in Paris? Certainly not! Trying local foods (even if they are partly tourist traps) is part of the cultural (and vacationing) experience.

  • Find a grocery store or produce market and buy extra fruits and vegetables. Getting the recommended number of daily servings will be difficult to do solely through dining out. Snack on an apple or two during the day, and skip that extra roll during dinner.
  • BYOW—bring your own water, that is. In many countries, asking for water in a restaurant will cost you a few extra dollars; they don’t (or can’t) serve tap water. While it’s not advisable to bring your own water bottle onto the table, carrying your own water and drinking throughout the day will help minimize the calorie you take in and the money you might spend on drinks.
  • Split the treats. There can be a great number of intriguing meals and treats when you are in an unfamiliar place. Try them! Try them all, if you must; however, consider splitting the options. That way, you can rightfully walk away saying that you tasted the best desserts in town, without carrying the weight of actually having consumed them all. Have your cake, and eat (some of) it too!
  • Speak up to get what you want. Don’t be afraid to ask for your dressing on the side or double check if you can substitute marinara for the Alfredo sauce. If you’ve seen the entrees and know that they are too large for one person, ask for an extra plate, or simply prepare yourself to take the leftovers home. Just because you’ve paid for it, doesn’t mean your stomach should also.

So maybe you can’t help but consume a few extra calories while on vacation. We’re probably all guilty of this. To combat this one can…

  • Incorporate time for exercise into the vacation plans. Alternatively, walking from place to place instead of taking a cab is a great way to expend calories, save money, and get a closer look at the surroundings.

Take a break, but not from healthy eating!

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