Relationships | Health Eagle - Part 4

Archives for Relationships

Money and Relationships

by Lori Sciame August 5th, 2022 | Relationships
Most people understand that money will factor into a marriage.  How a person handles his or her money, how generous he or she is with it, and even how much money a person earns each month, will all affect the quality of a relationship.  Some statistics proclaim that 7 out of 10 married couples regularly disagree over money, and even if the number isn't that high, this issue still warrants discussion.  Here are two cases where money ruined a love relationship.

It's Mine, All Mine!

Here's an interesting scenario: A newly retired man woos a divorced woman by treating her to
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Office Romances = Tricky Situations

by Lori Sciame May 22nd, 2020 | Relationships
A person never knows where he or she will find romance.  It may be at school, at the grocery store, at a restaurant or bar, at a ball game, or even at work.  Although it's wonderful to feel the rush provided by a new romantic interest, being in a relationship on the job can lead to several tricky situations. My advice - even though you may be interested in a special someone at work , do not act on impulse. Before you put on your best heels and spritz those pheromones oils to attract that special
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Ways to Stay Connected

by Lori Sciame July 1st, 2015 | Relationships
Hold a true friend with both your hands.  Nigerian Proverb

Having close, personal friends has many benefits, including companionship and emotional support; however, staying connected with long term friends can be extremely difficult. Distance, jobs, spouses, children, and the like all sap time and energy, many times leaving friends feeling neglected. Although it may seem impossible to sustain friendships while living in today's fast paced society, it can be done with a little time and effort.  Try one or all of the following tips for staying connected to a special friend in your life. I guarantee your friend will appreciate
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People Pleasers Listen Up

by Lori Sciame June 3rd, 2015 | Relationships
As I sorted through piles of my deceased mother's papers yesterday, I came across a quote that she had written down as she lay dying: “I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.”  What a true statement, especially when it comes to healthy relationships. In order for any relationship to be successful, one must be true to himself or herself, and never become just a "yes" man (or woman).

After an Internet search, I found that this intriguing quote can be credited to actor/comedian Bill Cosby. Many may remember Cosby as
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Does He Really Love You?

by Lori Sciame March 5th, 2015 | Relationships
Flip through the pages of any woman's magazine, or peruse the relationship sites on the Internet, and you'll find dozens of essays on the topic of love.  More specifically, many writers discuss in great detail what serves as proof that a man loves a woman.  Some of the things discussed as signs of a man's love include: introducing a woman to his friends and family, making room for her clothing in his closet, and inviting her to work events.  What strikes me the most about these posts is they point to the fact that women hope for signs of
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