What You Need to Know About Type 2 Diabetes | Health Eagle

What You Need to Know About Type 2 Diabetes

by Gumer Liston March 10th, 2009 | Diseases
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insulinWhen we think of diabetes, we think about insulin shots because most of us are only familiar with type 1 diabetes, which is caused by the inability of the body to make insulin. But there is another type of diabetes that is very harmful, which is why you need to know if you are at risk for it.

Type 2 diabetes is caused by the inability of hormone insulin to work properly. The pancreas of people with type 2 diabetes can produce insulin, but the insulin produced cannot properly transport glucose from the bloodstream to the cells. This will lead to a build up of blood glucose and blood fat in the bloodstream, which can damage tissue, nerves, and blood vessels. Type 2 diabetes is linked to increased risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. It  is also the 6th leading cause of death in the United States.

So, how do you know if you are at risk for type 2 diabetes? You are at risk if you are overweight or obese. Your age is also a risk factor; people who are 65 years or older are more at risk than those who are younger. People with hypertension are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. And, of course, it is genetic; if there is history of type 2 diabetes in your family, you should take extra precautions.

The first line of defense against type 2 diabetes is by avoiding a sedentary lifestyle.  Be on the move, take time to exercise, weave exercise into your lifestyle. Your risk will be lowered by always eating foods that contain carotenoids like carrots, spinach, squash, sweet potatoes, corn, and apricots. Foods rich in chromium can help protect your body against type 2 diabetes. So start including in your diet foods like mushrooms, shellfish, brocoli, and whole grains.  Vitamins D and E are also known to help prevent type 2 diabetes. The best way to get vitamin D is through exposure to the sun. Morning sunlight is also good for your skin, so don’t avoid the sunlight during the morning. Vitamin E, which is also a good antioxidant, can be found in nuts, avocado, almonds, and sunflower seeds.

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