Breast Cancer – Prevention with Nutrition | Health Eagle

Breast Cancer – Prevention with Nutrition

by Kimberly Hays September 25th, 2012 | Health Observance
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With the staggering statistics of approximately 1 out of every 8 women being diagnosed with breast cancer at some point during their life, it is important to know how valuable nutrition is at prevention. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, created to bring breast cancer to the forefront, as well as to give us the knowledge and power to fight like a girl! The following tips for prevention are also good for anyone who is overcoming breast cancer.

Phytochemicals – This is a big word, but it simply means plant-based foods. These include fruits and vegetables, as well as beans, and grains, such as rice. The phytochemicals are said to protect your cells from being damaged, which is what leads to cancer.

Soy – Soy foods are very beneficial to the immune system, which is important for warding off all diseases, but especially a great add to your diet to have breast health. It gives your body natural estrogen that may slow breast cancer growth by helping to keep cell growth normal. Soy beans in their natural form are great on their own. Soy can also be enjoyed as soy milk, as tofu, and miso, which can all be found in grocery stores.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids – Find Omega-3’s in fish, as well as flax seed, which is a great addition to breakfast cereals, or nuts and beans. You can only get these nutrients from food, as your body does not naturally produce them. They are believed to inhibit cancer cells by lowering estrogen that feeds the disease.

Garlic – Garlic has been long believed to ward off infection, but it also wards off cancer. Garlic contains sulfides that are released when it is crushed. It also works as an antioxidant.

Lycopene – Lycopene gives red and orange vegetables its color, such as tomatoes and sweet potatoes. This powerful antioxidant has been proven in studies to significantly lower the risk of cancer. Processed tomatoes have the highest concentration of lycopenes, so enjoy pasta sauces and other tomato based dishes often.

You may notice that there is little mentioned about meat. Dieticians concur that a diet that is mostly plant based is best for those who are seeking optimum health to ward of disease. This is not to say that you cannot enjoy meat, but opt for cuts that are lean. Also, when filling your plate, be sure that half of it is filled with a variety of vegetables.

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