Ask the Doctor | Health Eagle - Part 8

Archives for Ask the Doctor

Back Pain

by Dean Heller MD May 10th, 2013 | Ask the Doctor
I have chronic back pain, and I have been going to a pain doctor for 2 years. The medications help, but I still have pain. I am thinking of doing some alternative therapy such as acupuncture or going to a chiropractor. Can those types of treatments help back pain, or are they just a scam?

There are many different reasons for back pain. The most common causes are muscular back pain, arthritis, herniated discs and spinal stenosis. So the treatment depends on the underlying cause of the back pain. Most treatment plans include some type of anti-inflammatory medication, like Motrin,
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Sleep Disorders and Epilepsy

by Dean Heller MD May 3rd, 2013 | Ask the Doctor
My son has seizures. They are a particular type called nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy, so his seizures frequently occur at night. This makes him sleep poorly much of the time. We have tried many natural ways to improve his sleep, but I am against sleep medications for my 12 year old boy. Do you think I should give in and try them?

That is a very difficult problem. People know about general epilepsy or seizures, but they are not aware that there are many different forms of seizures. There is good news on the horizon for you. Some researchers have
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Emergency Room: Yes or No?

by Dean Heller MD April 26th, 2013 | Ask the Doctor
My son, who is a wild 12 year old, has been to the emergency room (ER) too many times to count. Some of the time he has a clear problem that has to be fixed, like a clear broken bone, but other times we just go, and they watch him for a while and just send him home. Is there a list of clear cut problems that require an ER visit for children? I have no medical training, other than him, and I'm always confused about this.

It can be difficult to decide, and many people struggle with the same
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Teens & PMS

by Dean Heller MD April 19th, 2013 | Ask the Doctor
My daughter is only 17 and not yet sexually active.  She is a musician and spends many hours a day practicing on her instruments.  We have noticed that she really has particularly bad PMS. What should we do? It seems to be affecting her ability to practice during that time, and she becomes very emotional because of this.

PMS or pre menstrual symptoms are a set of symptoms that occur in the week prior to the monthly menstrual cycle.  They consist of cramping, bloating, and breast tenderness, as well as irritability and lack of sleep.  In your daughter's case, you
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Infertility and STD’s

by Dean Heller MD April 5th, 2013 | Ask the Doctor
I am a 30 year old woman, and my husband (of two years) and I have been trying to get pregnant for the past year without success. There was a period in my life when I was a little wild, and I did have a few STD's. I have not told my husband that, as it was way before I met him, but I am worried that could be causing some of the problem. If that the case, should I tell my husband?

You do have a valid concern. There is a direct link between a history of STD's or
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